LuIS Nobriga
Feed The Lion was founded by Luis Nobriga, a transformational educator with almost two decades of teaching, leading, and coaching experience.
Luis is passionate about helping others grow. Through his core values of courage, authenticity, purpose, and optimism, Luis has been able to bring many of his personal goals and visions to life. Now as a coach of other leaders, he hopes to be a lifeline, resource, and accountability-partner for others as they do the same.
By 21, he had realized his mother’s dream of graduating from “una buena universidad”. Something they both sacrificed and worked for since they immigrated into the United States from Venezuela when Luis was just 9 years old. Not only did Luis graduate from The University of Florida on a full academic scholarship, he was also inducted into the UF Hall of Fame for his service, leadership, and impact on campus.
In his early twenties, Luis found his purpose in education. As a 5th grade bilingual reading teacher in Houston, Mr. Nobriga helped students transition from being instructed in Spanish to being taught and assessed in English for the first time. His personal experiences as an English Language Leaner and his drive to have a transformational impact in his students’ lives, led him to pursue a Masters in Education. This allowed him to leverage both his first-hand experiences along with institutional knowledge to better serve his students. During his time in Houston, Luis was recognized by his school as “Teacher of the Year” and by the district for being in the top quartile in student academic achievement and growth in English Language Arts as measured by state and national assessments.
In his late twenties, Luis discovered and fell in love with leadership coaching. As a founding middle school teacher in New York City, Luis received high quality one-on-one and cohort coaching which helped him lead his students accomplishing nationally ranked academic results and lead others in doing the same. As a grade team leader, dean of students, instructional coach, and assistant principal he helped found a high-performing school that continues to serve and positively impact the lives of hundreds of students today.
Now in his later thirties, Luis is back in his home state, living the dream as the Founding Principal for KIPP Courage Academy, a public charter school on the North Campus of Miami-Dade College serving over 600 black and brown middle students.
Luis Nobriga founded Feed The Lion as a way to provide high quality and holistic one-on-one or small group coaching to other leaders and educators, especially those serving as or aspiring to be school leaders, the most impactful and demanding job in the world.
The Transformational Impact FEED THE LION will bring:
Through the creation of your Lion Leadership Vision, you will embark on a journey to unlock your inner greatness, then you will align your goals, routines, and habits, towards YOUR path to authentic happiness, success, and holistic wellness. As your coach, my ultimate goal is to help you tap and develop the skills, mindsets, and leadership competencies necessary to accomplish your dreams and create a lasting positive impact for yourself and others.
Let's Unleash Your Roar:
We are here to inspire, support, and guide you on this remarkable journey of transformation. Together, we'll create a culture of authentic leadership, fostering a world where your influence knows no bounds. Embrace your roar, dare to lead fearlessly, and embark on this empowering expedition towards unlocking your limitless potential.
Are you ready?